Subscription Forms

Subscription Forms

Build forms to let users subscribe to your contact lists. The best way to add a form to a page is to add the form’s shortcode to the webpage of your choice.

To create a subscription form, do the following:
  1. Login to your PTOffice website.
  2. Under Applications > Emailing & Newsletters, choose the Subscription Forms menu item.
  3. By default, we have created a Newsletter Sign Up form for you. To create a new form, choose the +Create button.
  4. We highly recommend the Shortcode form template. Click the Create button.
  5. You will now be on the form creation page and see a preview of what your form will look like.
  6. Add a Form Name.
  7. Under the “Gear“, review and set the various components along the right hand side of the screen.
  8. Under the “Edit“, review and set the various components along the right hand side of the screen.
  9. Activate your form.
  10. Save your form to view the shortcode.
  11. Copy and place the shortcode on the page of your choice.

Note: It helps to already have your Lists setup before creating your subscription form.

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