Make a Test Payment

Before starting up your fundraiser, you may like to run a test payment through it. Here’s how to do that…

  1. Be sure Stripe has been connected.
  2. Choose the “Tip” option for your fundraiser on the Payment Details step.
  3. Be sure “I would like to allow refunds” is turned on as well.
  4. Publish your fundraiser and make a purchase while logged in – choose to not leave a tip as that is non-refundable.

Once you have completed the process, follow the next steps to refund your payment.

  1. Under your Profile menu on the home page (location can vary by organization), click on the Fundraiser Receipts menu item.
  2. In the drop down menu for the order you just placed, choose “Request Refund“. This will send a request to the fundraiser admin.
  3. Log into the dashboard and go to Fundraisers > Refund Requests.
  4. Approve your refund request.

The charge will now be reversed for you.

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